Badge icon "Storm (4764)" provided by Jo Szczepnska, from The Noun Project under Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0)

Stormwater Pollution – Are You Prepared to Prevent It?

Did you know that Stormwater runoff is one of the fastest growing sources of pollution? In fact, EPA states that each year about 10 TRILLION gallons of stormwater runs off buildings, parking lots and roads picking up things like fertilizers, oil and pet waste which then reach our waterways. These pollutants contaminate our water – the water we play in and even drink!

Heavy rain falling on grass or other natural areas usually soaks in. But on pavement, rain quickly begins to pool, flow, and eventually cascades into adjacent streets and local storm drains. For urban areas with a lot of development, a big storm can mean flooding, combined sewer overflows, reduced groundwater recharge, and increased pollution reaching our Nation’s waterways.

EPA developed the National Stormwater Calculator, an online tool to help support local, state, and national efforts to reduce runoff using green infrastructure practices as low impact development controls. Using local soil conditions, land cover, slope, and historical rainfall records, the Calculator provides estimates of the annual amount and frequency of stormwater runoff from a specific site anywhere in the U.S., including Puerto Rico, that is less than 12 acres.

Check out EPA’s educational video for more information:


Help prevent pollution by controlling Stormwater runoff.

“It’s one of the greatest threats to clean water in America today.”

Educate yourself and others on how to do your job safely. View all of our available Stormwater curriculums now. Training is available as individual modules and convenient course packs.