Have You Heard About World Wetlands Day?


Sunday, February 2, is World Wetlands Day!


Do you know just how important our wetlands are? With this global celebration on February 2nd, it’s a chance to raise awareness about all the benefits wetlands have for us and our wildlife. It’s also a chance to raise awareness about their protection.

Wetlands are a critical part of our natural environment. They protect our shores from erosion, reduce the impacts of floods, absorb pollutants, provide a habitat for many diverse plants and animals, improve water quality, and give us an overall beautiful environment. With all the benefits of wetlands, conservation is crucial for our safety and welfare.

Knowledge is key to understanding them and protecting them. Did you know we offer training in Wetlands Awareness? In this introductory module, you’ll learn what wetlands are and why they are important, federal laws pertaining to wetlands, requirements and permits needed when working in or around wetlands, guidelines for protecting wetlands, and inspections. Learn more about this awareness course now:


Wetlands Awareness Training

Badge icon "Grass (2140)" provided by Hernan D. Schlosman, from The Noun Project under Creative Commons - Attribution (CC BY 3.0)