Automatic Sprinkler Systems and Standpipe

Automatic Sprinkler Systems and Standpipe – The basic types of automatic sprinkler systems are:

  • The Wet Pipe Automatic Sprinkler System
  • The Dry Pipe Automatic Sprinkler System
  • The Deluge and Pre-Action Automatic Sprinkler System

The automatic sprinkler system is connected to the public water system. It may also be connected to an auxiliary source of water such as private water mains, fire department connection, fire pumps from tanks or reservoirs, and gravity tank or pressure tanks. As in the standpipe and hose firefighting system, the public water distribution system pressure is critical to the proper operation of this system. If there is insufficient volume of water or pressure, fire pumps must be installed. The automatic sprinkler system utilizes automatic sprinkler heads to supply water to the area of the fire.