How to Combat the Dangers of Cross-Connections

The dangers of cross-connections and backflow incidents are not very well understood by the consumers of water. Consumers of water rely on the public water system to provide water that is safe to drink but the public water system cross-connection control program in most of the states only protects the water in the distribution system from becoming contaminated or polluted from a cross-connection incident. The individuals within the building are not necessarily protected from cross-connection incidents and in most states the consumers or building owners are responsible for cross-connection control within the building.  In many cases the building owner is not aware of the situation or dangers associated with unprotected cross-connection within the building. The are assuming that the public water system cross-connection program is providing protection since they have to comply with the requirements of the public water system to install backflow prevention device on the service line. To combat the dangers of cross-connection where they exists, the plumbing industry needs to establish a cross-connection educational program for plumbers because plumbing is frequently installed by persons who are unaware of the inherent dangers of cross-connections.  Education in the recognition and prevention of cross-connection incidents is needed. Plumbing installers and code enforcers must know that hydraulic and pollution factors may combine to produce a hazard, if an unprotected cross-connection is present. Code enforcers and public water system purveyors need to understand the importance of controlling cross-connection within the building after the meter. They must realize that there are backflow prevention devices and methods that may be used to control cross-connection.  Creating a cross-connection because it is convenient is not acceptable. It should be made clear by the plumbing industry that the creation of unprotected cross-connection will not be tolerated and that enforcement actions with be taken against individuals creating such unprotected cross-connections. To protect the public health of the nation, cross-connection surveys of all commercial, industrial, or educational facilities shall be conducted by certified individuals.  Once the cross-connection survey is completed, a certificate of compliance should be issued to the facility owner or representative to post in a prominent location.  Public informational programs shall be established for the residential community. To combat the dangers of cross-connections the plumbing code needs to be enforced by the plumbing industry and the consumers of water need to be educated about the dangers of cross-connections by the public water system and code enforcers.


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