Potable Water

What is Potable Water? Potable water is mentioned in all of the definitions of a cross-connection. Potable water can be defined as water free from impurities present in amounts sufficient to cause disease or harmful physiological effects. Bacteriological and chemical quality shall conform to the requirements of the USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Regulations and the regulations of the public health authority having jurisdiction over public water systems.

The Safe Drinking Water Act authorizes US Environmental Protection Agency to establish minimum standards to protect tap water and requires all owners or operators of public water systems to comply with these primary (health-related) standards. Public drinking water systems must meet health-based federal standards for contaminants, including performing regular monitoring and reporting. The standards have maximum contaminate levels which means that potable water may contain contaminates but these contaminate are at level below the maximum contaminant level. US EPA sets national standards for drinking water based on sound science to protect against health risks, considering available technology and costs. These National Primary Drinking Water Regulations set enforceable maximum contaminant levels for particular contaminants in drinking water or required ways to treat water to remove contaminants. Each standard also includes requirements for water systems to test for contaminants in the water to make sure standards are achieved. US EPA sets national standards for tap water which help ensure consistent quality in our nation’s water supply. US EPA prioritizes contaminants for potential regulation based on risk and how often they occur in water supplies. US EPA sets national standards for tap water, which help ensure consistent quality in our nation’s water supply. US EPA prioritizes contaminants for potential regulation based on risk and how often they occur in water supplies source. Potable water may not be pure water but may contain trace amounts of inorganic, organic or volatile organic contaminants that are below the maximum contaminant level established by the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations.